How do food bloggers and PR practitioners in the hospitality sector view their relationships? A UK perspective / ¿Cómo ven su relación los bloggers de alimentos y los profesionales de relaciones públicas en el sector de la hostelería? Desde Reino Unido


  • Liz Yeomans
  • Hannah Baxter Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, U.K.


Palabras clave:

Public Relations


Bloggers are increasingly viewed by public relations practitioners as important influencers within the online media environment, yet research that explores relationships between bloggers and PR practitioners, particularly in the UK, is relatively limited. This paper reports on findings from a small-scale, in depth qualitative study of food blogger-practitioner relationships within the hospitality sector in the UK.  The study explored why bloggers write about their restaurant experiences and how they view their relationships with PR professionals; while PR practitioners were questioned about their relationships with bloggers and the influence bloggers are having on PR clients’ reputations.  In keeping with previous research, this study found that the practitioner-blogger relationship is complex. The PR practitioners interviewed within the hospitality sector viewed restaurant review bloggers as highly influential to their clients’ reputations and view the relationship as one that is built on mutual interests and trust. However, bloggers do not perceive the relationship in this light and are sceptical of PR practitioners’ motives. While bloggers had different motivations for blogging, they shared a common passion for blogging and a drive to provide reliable information and objective advice to their readers. Concerns within the blogging community were highlighted in regard to accepting incentives  (free meals) from PR practitioners, and how this can be damaging to bloggers’ reputations. While some bloggers claim to resist PR practitioners’ attempts to influence their blog content, other bloggers take an active role in building relationships with PR practitioners. It is argued that both parties are engaged in ‘identity work’ in order to protect their respective identities and practices and that emotion management plays a part in the practitioner-blogger relationship.


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Biografía del autor/a

Liz Yeomans

School of Strategy, Marketing and Communication, Faculty of Business and Law, Leeds Metropolitan University

Hannah Baxter, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, U.K.


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Cómo citar

Yeomans, L., & Baxter, H. (2014). How do food bloggers and PR practitioners in the hospitality sector view their relationships? A UK perspective / ¿Cómo ven su relación los bloggers de alimentos y los profesionales de relaciones públicas en el sector de la hostelería? Desde Reino Unido. Revista Internacional De Relaciones Públicas, 4(8), 221–244.