CFP No. 28


We are currently facing the global challenge of climate change, as one of the issues that will mark the future of society in the coming years. In this special issue we reflect on the contribution that public relations can make in this area to help organisations and governments to engage in dialogue with their publics and to participate in the solutions and responses that citizens expect for a more sustainable world. For this reason, we will approach this subject from a dual perspective, the academic discipline and the profession. Including both local, national and international visions, and from the public, private and social spheres. Without forgetting the role of citizens as active agents in society. In this monograph we encourage the academic community to explore this topic and submit proposals that show how public relations can be an opportunity for sustainability.

The deadline for papers is October 12, 2024.  The submission of article proposals and book reviews must be done through the journal's application and the editorial rules must be respected in order for the articles to be considered for review. Original texts may be submitted in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. More information about the submission process is available at For articles to be more widely distributed, all articles written in Spanish, Portuguese and French must include an extended abstract in English (minimum 500-700 words). We provide authors with the template to be used for the preparation of their articles and books reviews at

In order to promote papers published in the journal, all authors are required to have a free ORCID identifier number(which can be requested at Likewise, the International Journal of Public Relations publishes all its articles with a DOI identification number that allows the articles to be located on the web, while recognising the intellectual property of the work.

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