Media Strategy and Place Branding in the Transnational European Öresund Region / Estrategia de medios y place branding en la region transnacional europea de Öresund


  • Jasper Falkheimer


Palabras clave:

Media Strategy, Öresund Region, Place Branding, Media Relations


Purpose: The aim is firstly to to present a conceptual discussion about the relationship between media strategies and place branding, media effects and relations between sources and journalists. Second, based on a case study of the European transnational Öresund region (Danish-Swedish) the aim is to describe and analyze a contemporary agenda-building, media service-oriented place branding strategy.

Method: The empirical case consists of a descriptive study of Öresund Media

Platform, an EU Interreg project (2012-2014). A content analysis of how the news press in the Öresund Region has reported on Öresund place issues 2002-2012 is presented.

Findings: Earlier research questions direct media effects and describes the relationship between organizations and media as a power struggle. The interactive and digital media development in combination with changing relations between sources and journalists has created a new media landscape. Uni-directional media strategies may still be relevant, but strategies adapted to the contemporary organizational processes of media organizations are becoming more relevant. The media-service approach, focusing agenda-building using semi-independent news agencies is an example of a new branding media strategy.

Originality/Value: This paper is as an example of a public relations and media studies approach to place branding. The case study describes an innovative city and place branding strategy, founded in the contemporary media development in a transnational European region.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jasper Falkheimer

Jesper Falkheimer, Rector Professor in Strategic Communication Lund University, Campus Helsingborg Box 882, S-251 08 Helsingborg


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Cómo citar

Falkheimer, J. (2014). Media Strategy and Place Branding in the Transnational European Öresund Region / Estrategia de medios y place branding en la region transnacional europea de Öresund. Revista Internacional De Relaciones Públicas, 4(8), 27–42.

