Fundraising strategies in Spanish universities. An approach from stakeholders’ relations / Estrategias de captación de fondos en las universidades españolas. Un enfoque desde las relaciones con sus grupos de interés


  • Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa Universidad de Málaga
  • Isabel Ruiz-Mora Sheffield Hallam University
  • Carmen Jambrino-Maldonado Universidad de Málaga



fundraising strategies, higher education, spanish universities, stakeholders, public relations


This research is based on the use of fundraising as a strategy to reinforce the relation between universities and their stakeholders. The main objective is to identify the fundraising strategies employed by Spanish universities. The study addresses how these strategies shape the relationships with the stakeholders of the Spanish institutions of higher education.

The design of the research is focused on the analysis of the strategies implemented by Spanish universities during the 2015/2016 academic year. To do so, the authors have looked at the 76 accredited Spanish universities that are members of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities. The research includes a content analysis, from an exploratory-descriptive approach, of the information published on their web pages, annual reports, strategic plans and fundraising policies. The results of the study contemplate the current state of fundraising in Spain’s universities, which needs to be explored from a more strategic perspective, both in terms of the relationships with the key stakeholders, and for the university itself in its search for excellence. The decision of the universities to seek alternative means of funding provides an opportunity for the establishment of new relationships with stakeholders, and also for the reformulation of existing relationships.

We can assert that the basis of a university institution’s fundraising depends on the level of corporate culture of its stakeholders, and universities have to explore this reality. The greater the sense of belonging, the greater the possibility of receiving supplementary income through the voluntary initiatives of their stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa, Universidad de Málaga

Isabel Ruiz-Mora, Sheffield Hallam University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Media Arts and Communication, Sheffield Hallam University (Sheffiel, UK)

Carmen Jambrino-Maldonado, Universidad de Málaga

Catedrática de Escuela Universitaria. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad de Málaga


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How to Cite

de las Heras Pedrosa, C., Ruiz-Mora, I., & Jambrino-Maldonado, C. (2017). Fundraising strategies in Spanish universities. An approach from stakeholders’ relations / Estrategias de captación de fondos en las universidades españolas. Un enfoque desde las relaciones con sus grupos de interés. International Journal of Public Relations, 7(14), 125–144.