Sinification of the World Tourism and Public Relations: What to Do with Western-Originated Public Relations as a Response? / Sinificación del turismo mundial y Relaciones Públicas:¿Qué hacer con las Relaciones Públicas de origen occidental como respuesta


  • Ulas Basar Gezgin Universidad Duy Tan, Danang, Vietnam



Chinese outbound tourists, public relations, sinification of the world tourism, Turistas salientes chinos, relaciones públicas, sinificación del turismo mundial, relaciones públicas para el turismo, segmentación turística y relaciones públicas críticas.


In this study, we presented and discussed the challenges posed for Western-originated public relations by sinification of the world tourism. Chinese international tourists are now on the top of the list of world travelers. Many countries try to attract Chinese tourists with all the tools available to them. However, public relations field has an inherent deficiency which is its Western assumptions that are often go unnoticed. This article points out why such a model is far from being conducive to promoting a destination for Chinese tourists. First of all it ignores guanxi which is a cultural construct that is influential over commercial relations in China. Secondly, its unit of analysis (i.e. individuals) is problematic. Thirdly, it is not applicable in a context where government is the major actor rather than the consumers. The article also includes discussions on how to segment Chinese outbound tourists, and PR interventions and recommendations. Although the scope of the article involves how to attract Chinese tourists to a particular destination, we also keep a critical view on the topic considering the potential negative consequences of the arrival of a higher number of Chinese tourists.

Keywords: Tourism, Chinese tourism, public relations, Western values, guanxi


En este estudio presentamos y discutimos los desafíos planteados para las relaciones públicas de origen occidental debido a la significación del turismo mundial. Los turistas chinos son unos de los principales viajeros internacionales del mundo. Muchos países intentan atraer a los turistas chinos con todas las herramientas disponibles para ello. Sin embargo, el campo de las relaciones públicas tiene una deficiencia inherente que son sus suposiciones occidentales yb que a menudo pasan desapercibidas. Este artículo señala por qué este modelo está lejos de ser propicio para promover un destino para los turistas chinos. En primer lugar, ignora el guanxi, que es un constructo cultural que influye en las relaciones comerciales en China. En segundo lugar, su unidad de análisis (es decir, los individuos) es problemática. En tercer lugar, no es aplicable en un contexto donde el gobierno es el actor principal en lugar de los consumidores. El artículo también incluye discusiones sobre cómo segmentar a los turistas chinos, e intervenciones y recomendaciones de relaciones públicas. Aunque el alcance del artículo involucra cómo atraer a los turistas chinos a un destino en particular, también mantenemos una visión crítica sobre el tema considerando las posibles consecuencias negativas de la llegada de un mayor número de turistas chinos.

Palabras claves: Turismo, turismo chino, relaciones públicas, valores occidentales, guanxi


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Author Biography

Ulas Basar Gezgin, Universidad Duy Tan, Danang, Vietnam

Prof.Dr. Ulas Basar Gezgin is a journalist, a social science researcher and an academic with 18 years of teaching experience in various institutions in Turkey, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia, and research experience in New Zealand (PhD work), Australia (joint project) and Latin America (journalism). He holds degrees in education, psychology, cognitive science and urban planning.

As of 2018, he has 100 books, a high number of book chapters and journal articles in various fields. A novel, an opera libretto, edited collections, poetry, a compilation of his stories, textbooks theatre plays, scenarios and translations etc. are among his works. He had composed more than 100 songs which await public discovery. Some of his works have been translated to 12 languages (Turkish, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Georgian and Azerbaijani).


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How to Cite

Gezgin, U. B. (2018). Sinification of the World Tourism and Public Relations: What to Do with Western-Originated Public Relations as a Response? / Sinificación del turismo mundial y Relaciones Públicas:¿Qué hacer con las Relaciones Públicas de origen occidental como respuesta. International Journal of Public Relations, 8(16), 27–46.

