The Analysis of the implementation of the Official Mexican Standard-035 and the communication strategies used within a private organization




Mexico, NOM-035, organizational communication, companies, internal communication


According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), psychosocial risks are manifested within every organization, they are considered a global health problem present in developed and developing countries that negatively affect all workers equally, regardless of their profession, hierarchical level and organization in which they work. These psychological and social risks can manifest as anxiety, severe stress or sleep disorders and may be related to the type of workday or exposure to severe traumatic events. Two things need to be highlighted: first, the fact that along with the emergence of these risks, a regulation was not born that would allow working on them with the objective of protecting the well-being and health of workers; and second, in this scenario it becomes clear that the workplace is the most important source of these risks, which is why it becomes the best space to prevent them and work on them.  Due to the above, it is that in 2016, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) through the National Program for Emotional Well-being and Human Development at Work (PRONABET) promoted a draft standard (NOM-035), with the objective of identifying, analyzing and preventing psychosocial risks within organizations in order to stimulate a culture of prevention in Mexico that is reflected in the work environment of organizations. The entry into force of the Official Mexican Standard-035 (NOM-035) generated a host of information needs in public and private organizations to explain to both leaders and employees the objective, purpose, scope, and benefit of the standard in addition to knowing what the consequences are for not complying with it, as well as the obligations of each of them within these organizations.

The implementation of NOM-035 could not be understood without the application of communication strategies within the companies, this communication has been proposed from its origin to give a response to the community and therefore to public and private organizations, which refers us to the definition of Pasquali (1990), which alludes to the fact that communication appears when society is formally structured and without this there would be no structure. Communication in organizations manifests itself as the maximum sign of expression of individuals, through which effective human relationships can be linked through signs that structure messages and establish common meanings through a participatory process of sender and receiver.  The foregoing caused the need to study this phenomenon to understand the way in which NOM-035 was implemented within a company and to know the communication strategies that were designed to make it known, since only carrying clear messages to the different organizations of the organization, it will be possible to give a prompt adoption of the standard that translates into its rapid implementation. The use of a qualitative research methodology was proposed, with a phenomenological design using the focused semi-structured interview as a technique to be able to describe and analyze the phenomenon through the subjects who lived it to understand the way in which they experienced it and the meanings that they gave.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Barroso Camiade, Universidad Anáhuac México-Norte

Docente de programas doctorales: Doctorado en Comunicación y Mercadotecnia Estratégicas, Doctorado en Investigación de la Comunicación en la Universidad Anáhuac México-Norte

Eva María Pérez-Castrejón, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Eva María Pérez Castrejón es profesora e investigadora de la UPAEP en México. 


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How to Cite

Barroso Camiade, C., & Pérez-Castrejón, E. M. (2023). The Analysis of the implementation of the Official Mexican Standard-035 and the communication strategies used within a private organization . International Journal of Public Relations, 13(25), 189–200.