When crisis makes you visible: The case of Metro S.A Corporate Reports





corporate reports, relationship management, qualitative analysis, public relations, Chile


Corporate memory, traditionally perceived as a financial report tailored solely for shareholders, has evolved into a potent persuasive tool influencing public perceptions of businesses. This paradigm shift is especially relevant in the context of corporate governance, where it serves as a strategic communication vehicle for investors and stakeholders. This article explores the transformation of corporate memories in response to significant national events, such as the 2019 social upheaval and the COVID-19 pandemic, using the Chilean public-private transportation company, Metro S.A., as a case study.

The paper challenges the conventional view of corporate memory as a financial information instrument and, drawing on the narrative analysis approach, examines Metro S.A.'s corporate memories and integrated reports from 2016 to 2022. It aims to elucidate post-crisis communication changes, particularly in addressing previously marginalized stakeholders. The study incorporates a qualitative-interpretative analysis, focusing on key sections of Metro S.A.'s corporate memories to derive insights into the role of this communication tool in reshaping relationships with relevant stakeholders.

The theoretical framework, inspired by Lendingham and Bruning's five fundamental dimensions for effective organizational relationships, posits that the post-crisis corporate memories emphasize trust, openness, engagement, investment, and commitment. The article is structured into sections, beginning with an exploration of corporate memory's broader relational role. The subsequent section introduces the case of Metro S.A., followed by an explanation of the analytical methods employed. Results are then presented, and the discussion is contextualized within the theoretical framework, considering the limitations and conclusions.

The research employs a discursive analysis, examining Metro S.A.'s corporate and integrated memories from 2016 to 2022. The chosen period spans seven years, capturing the substantial language, content, tone, and design changes post-crisis. Using a case study methodology, the paper delves into paradigmatic cases, providing a nuanced understanding of the phenomenon under investigation.

The discourse analysis, utilising NVivo software for intentional qualitative coding, reveals significant shifts in communication post-2019 and 2020 crises. The results highlight three primary codes: the dual crisis as a challenge and opportunity, the transformation of key stakeholders from objects to active participants, and the emergence of previously invisible stakeholders as priorities.

The case study of Metro S.A., a public-private urban transportation entity, underscores the importance of redefining communication products like corporate memories. Traditionally viewed as unidirectional communication for financial audiences, these documents must evolve to engage with broader publics, especially for organizations with high public sensitivity. The article concludes that the communicative transformation expressed in Metro S.A.'s corporate memories signifies a shift towards harmonious dialogue with previously overlooked audiences, showcasing strategies to enhance the impact of social justice.

In conclusion, this study contributes to the discourse on organizational communication by emphasizing the role of corporate memories in reconfiguring relationships, fostering inclusivity, and addressing the impact on social justice, particularly in the aftermath of critical events.


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Author Biography

Liliana De Simone, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesora Asociada de la Facultad de Comunicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica. Directora del Observatorio de Cultura, Consumo y Sociedad UC. Doctora en Estudios Urbanos, Magíster en Desarrollo Urbano y Arquitecta UC. Visiting Professor del Institute of Urban and Regional Development IURD de la University of California-Berkeley. Especializada en Enfoque de Derechos e Igualdad de Género para Políticas Públicas por la Organización de los Estados Americanos OEA. Sus principales líneas de investigación y docencia son las tendencias de consumo y las articulaciones discursivas del desarrollo urbano.


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How to Cite

Labarca, C., & De Simone, L. (2023). When crisis makes you visible: The case of Metro S.A Corporate Reports . International Journal of Public Relations, 13(26), 105–120. https://doi.org/10.5783/revrrpp.v13i26.845

