Sustainability in the organisation and production of events: state of the art




sustainability,, events, event organization, state of the art, corporate social responsibility.


Sustainability is currently considered one of the main challenges for professionals of event organization and production. The central objective of the research was to establish a state of the art regarding this object of study, through an exhaustive review of scientific and institutional literature published on sustainability in the organization and production of events. It also approaches it through the analysis of related concepts, such as corporate social responsibility; of various perspectives; and trends of study.

This paper seeks to provide a solid theoretical framework that can be used by academics and practitioners to guide future research and practice in this field. By exploring and synthesising knowledge in this field, we will provide a solid basis for the sector to approach the issue and make decisions in an industry with such an impact. Rather than a trend, sustainability should be seen as a necessity to ensure the viability of the sector and the well-being of society.

The structure of the paper includes a review of the authors' different approaches and perspectives on the definition of sustainable events, the characteristics of sustainable events and related concepts, such as corporate social responsibility, smart cities and the Sustainable Development Goals. These concepts have been pointed out by several authors as fundamental to integrate sustainability in the events industry.

It also addresses the impacts of events beyond the environmental aspects to which the concept of ‘sustainable event’ has often been confined. By broadening the definition of sustainability, we provide a more complete vision for any professional or researcher considering this study of the issue.

Furthermore, in this paper we analyse studies of different types of events and their relationship with sustainability, which includes sporting, cultural and commercial events. Each type of event and its relationship with sustainability has been studied by different authors involving different types of theoretical and practical approaches.

In this study we appreciate the development of the areas of study interest and trends in recent years regarding sustainability in the event industry. In this way, we see what trends we find today and what possible developments may occur in the future.

In the same way, with this project we seek to contribute to moving towards a more environmentally responsible professional model, encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices that reduce negative impacts and maximise the positive benefits of events. In itself, any professional must address sustainability due to the current context of climate crisis and social model that we face in society in general, however, in the events industry it becomes more pressing due to the negative impacts generated by events and which are addressed in this research.

The research concludes:

  1. There is a lack of definition of the concept of sustainable event that is motivated, in part, by the open debate regarding what sustainability entails, however, the existence of international regulations, such as ISO 20121, for certification of management of a sustainable event, It is crucial as a reference in the study of events.
  2. It is necessary to go beyond the environmental sphere and take into account, at least, the social and economic sphere, as well as to have an integrative perspective of sustainability in the industry, instead of limiting it to a type of event or specific actions, in order to avoid falling into greenwashing.
  3. The study of sustainability in events is an area of ​​development in scientific literature that must go beyond bibliographic analyzes or reduced study samples.

Following this state of affairs, therefore, we consider that the adoption of comprehensive and multidisciplinary prisms in the events industry in terms of sustainability is inexcusable. This adoption allows us to transcend specific actions in the environmental field and develop skills in areas such as corporate social responsibility, as well as international regulations, agreed upon by experts and applied to all phases of the organization and production of events. In this way, we will be closer to achieving a more responsible events industry both in the present and for future generations.


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Author Biographies

Irene Zurita López, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Master's Degree in Corporate Communication, Protocol and Events from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Graduate in History and Graduate in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain.

Luis Gallardo Vera, Universidad de Málaga

Professor and researcher in Communication Sciences, Advertising and Public Relations, double International Doctorate in Advertising and Public Relations, Master's Degree in Communication Management, Degree in Philosophy and Degree in Advertising and Public Relations.


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How to Cite

Zurita López, I., & Gallardo Vera, L. (2024). Sustainability in the organisation and production of events: state of the art. International Journal of Public Relations, 14(28), 87–104.

