Websites e páginas do Facebook das Universidades portuguesas: novas possibilidades de interação social? / Portuguese Universities’ websites and Facebook pages: New possibilities for social interaction?


  • Kamila Mesquita Universidade do Minho
  • Teresa Ruão Universidade do Minho
  • José Gabriel Andrade Universidade do Minho



Comunicação Organizacional, Interação Social, Universidade, Website, Facebook, Organizational Communication, Social interaction, Universities



Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a existência e o uso dos espaços de interação nos websites e nas páginas do Facebook das Universidades Públicas Portuguesas, verificando se a comunicação online desenvolvida por essas Instituições valoriza a interação social. Para tal, desenvolvemos uma pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, na forma de estudo de casos múltiplos, utilizando o método da observação direta estruturada. Sabemos que diversas questões significativas têm sido impostas às Universidades públicas nas últimas décadas. Elas passaram a atuar num ambiente cada vez mais complexo e competitivo, de modo que a comunicação teve que acompanhar as mudanças para dar respostas ao novo cenário que se impôs. Na pesquisa percebemos que as Universidades portuguesas já oferecem espaços que possibilitam a interação com os públicos, tanto nos websites quanto nas páginas do Facebook, mas muitas delas ainda não valorizam a interação e usam as novas mídias da mesma maneira que usavam as antigas, de forma unidirecional. Atualmente, não basta apenas estar presente na internet, os públicos esperam cada vez mais que as organizações escutem, se envolvam e respondam, e esse envolvimento é fundamental para a construção de relacionamentos. As interações que são estabelecidas entre as organizações e os públicos no ambiente digital reforçam o sentimento de individualização da comunicação, reconhecimento e confiança, influenciando a atitude perante um serviço ou produto, assim como a imagem e a reputação organizacional. Representam, ainda, oportunidades para as organizações conhecerem e aprenderem mais sobre as necessidades e as expectativas dos públicos.

Palavras-chave: Comunicação Organizacional, Interação Social, Universidade, Website, Facebook


This article aims to analyze the existence and use of interaction spaces on Portuguese Public Universities’ websites and Facebook pages, checking whether or not the online communication developed by these institutions values social interaction. To this end, we have developed a quantitative and qualitative research setting in the form of a multiple-case study

using the structured direct observation method. We know that several significant issues have been imposed on public universities in recent decades. For a long time, Universities used unidirectional and asymmetric communication models. Organizational leaders believed that quality and rigor in teaching and research were enough to create and maintain a positive image for organizations, an understanding that is not suited to today's reality. They began to operate in an increasingly complex and competitive environment, they had to rethink the role they play in society, their mission and relationship with different audiences. In this way, Universities needed to restructure, adopt more entrepreneurial management strategies, attract new audiences and find new forms of financing and communication had to accompany the changes to provide answers to the new imposed scenario. In general, it becomes more and more relevant for organizations to be present in the online environment through spaces that not only offer information but also demonstrate the willingness to interact and dialogue with the public, which leads us to think about their existence and use by Universities, to qualify the presence of organizations and rethink about the effectiveness of interactions and possibilities for improvement. Nowadays, all Public Universities in Portugal have a website and a profile on at least one social media platform. We realize that Portuguese Universities offer spaces that enable interaction with audiences, both on websites and Facebook pages, but many of them still do not value interaction and use the new media in the same way they used the old ones, in a unidirectional way. Websites are communication tools that provide essential information for society, being representations of the University in the digital environment and, often, the first element of contact with the public. But, although all Universities provide space for online interaction, not all work effectively, since there was no response from messages sent by part of the Universities. Social media, on the other hand, are dynamic platforms, designed and centered on social interaction, which must be considered in the planning and management of digital communication. The predominant strategy adopted by Portuguese Public Universities in Facebook publications is to make content available to attract audiences to the website, producing little or no specific content for the platforms and maintaining a limited level of interaction. A different approach could bring audiences closer to Universities, encourage engagement and open new spaces for dialogue. Nowadays, it's not enough to just be present on the Internet, audiences increasingly expect organizations to listen to them, get involved and react, and this involvement is fundamental to building relationships. The monologue was replaced by the possibility of effective dialogue, with the negotiation of communication strategies between the parties and no longer passive reception. The interactions that are established between organizations and audiences in the digital environment reinforce the individual feeling of communication, recognition and trust, influencing the attitude people have towards a service or product, as well as organizational image and reputation. In addition, they represent opportunities for organizations to learn more about the audience's needs and expectations.

Keywords: Organizational Communication, Social interaction, Universities, Website, Facebook


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Author Biographies

Kamila Mesquita, Universidade do Minho

Doutoranda em Ciências da Comunicação na Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Mestre em Políticas Públicas e Bacharel em Comunicação Social - Relações Públicas pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Brasil.

Teresa Ruão, Universidade do Minho

Professora Associada do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho e investigador do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS).

José Gabriel Andrade, Universidade do Minho

Professor Auxiliar do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho e investigador do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS).


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How to Cite

Mesquita, K., Ruão, T., & Andrade, J. G. (2020). Websites e páginas do Facebook das Universidades portuguesas: novas possibilidades de interação social? / Portuguese Universities’ websites and Facebook pages: New possibilities for social interaction?. International Journal of Public Relations, 10(20), 135–156.