The weight of strategic research in the curricula of unofficial master’s degrees specialized in Public Relations and Communication Management in Spain




Research subjects, Corporate communication, European Higher Education Area-EHEA, , Unofficial masters’ degrees, Spain, Public Relations


The managerial function of communication and PR requires the use of a scientific method for decision-making that makes it possible to correctly define the starting problem of strategic programming through an effective diagnosis, establish the objective to be achieved and, subsequently, evaluate correctly the success achieved, taking into account that the final strategic objective is to establish relationships of trust with the publics.

In this article we seek to identify the contents that form competencies and research capacities in strategic planning within the study plans of the own (unofficial) master's degrees directly linked to the function of communication management, offered in Spain during the 2019-2020, to determine if the graduates have been prepared, as future managers, to investigate properly.  

Matilla (2018) proposes a series of information and research techniques and methods -basic and applied- that should be worked on in the first stage of the strategic planning process and that will serve as a guide for the contents that should be worked on at the training level. 

Through content analysis, a total of 38 unofficial master's degrees were identified that met the first search requirements in the 2019-2020 academic year, of which, after carefully reading their subjects, competencies and professional opportunities, it was seen that only 13 were directly linked to the communication management function, both from an integrated department of an organization, as well as from agencies and consultancies.

The final sample unit showed that the word “research” literally appeared in 7 subject titles of 6 different master's degrees. Likewise, the descriptions or contents of another 26 subjects included at least one concept linked to the initial stage of research, such as “audit”, “diagnosis”, “analysis” (psychosocial, of publics, of data, of insight, executive...), “measurement”, “monitoring”, “metrics”, “evaluation”, “audience map”, “information search”, “issues management”, “research of futures”, “interpretation of results” or “social trends”. A third of the Spanish master’s degrees directly linked to the function of communication management do not offer any type of training in strategic research, despite its importance at a professional level, and only half of them offer at least one specialized subject in research.

There is no master’s degree that literally includes all the necessary contents identified by Matilla (2018) to correctly carry out the first stage of research, although there are some universities that show a high interest in training professionals capable of empirical research. Reliable proof of this interest is the Carlos III University of Madrid, which offers more than 50% of its ECTS with some mention of research techniques, methods or typologies.

In short, it can be seen that depending on the postgraduate training in question, future communication and PR professionals will be trained -or not- to conduct scientific research, so that a third of postgraduates will not have received specific training in strategic research and will not be able to acquire the research skills necessary to adequately exercise the management function.



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Author Biographies

Marc Compte-Pujol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona.

Joan Cuenca-Fontbona, FCRI Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull

Professor and researcher at the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain.

Kathy Matilla, FCRI Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull

Independent Communications Consultant, Barcelona, Spain.


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How to Cite

Compte-Pujol, M., Cuenca-Fontbona, J., & Matilla, K. (2022). The weight of strategic research in the curricula of unofficial master’s degrees specialized in Public Relations and Communication Management in Spain. International Journal of Public Relations, 12(24), 223–244.