Communication techniques for the modification of public opinion in the men's cosmetics sector




Men's Cosmetics, Public Opinion, Public Relations, Social Taboo, Communication Technique


This study is inspired by the famous works on social influence carried out by the illustrious Edward Bernays, focused on the persuasion of public opinion. Taking as a reference one of the author's multiple campaigns, the work raises the feasibility of obtaining equivalent results in the current communicative context, with the aim of determining the most appropriate techniques to achieve this purpose.

The research has been segmented into a total of 3 phases, each designed to achieve a partial objective. Firstly, the 'state of public opinion regarding the use of cosmetics by men' is studied. Secondly, the plausibility of significantly influencing public opinion through communication campaigns. And in the last phase, the techniques employed have been shown to be the most appropriate in achieving this goal.

The work deals with an object of study of capital relevance, since it provides a theoretical approach, as well as a practical application, to a crucial topic in the communicative field. The interest in deliberately impacting public opinion resides in the highest purposes of many entities, especially in a social and economic context where the general public has come to occupy the position of power.

The document presents a structure designed to lead the reader through the different stages of the study. This journey begins with the research approach, where the author's motivations and objectives are presented. This is followed by the background, conceptualizations and approaches relevant to the theoretical framework. The practical process of the research is formulated in the methodology section, and finally, the results and conclusions reached are announced.

In this way, the work proposes a hypothetical emulation of such a campaign, dealing with a current political topic, with the aim of studying which updated communicative techniques would be needed to influence public opinion in contemporary society. All in pursuit of obtaining a large-scale economic benefit. The study is intended to serve as a reference, a first approach to the topic, as well as a precedent for a possible large-scale review in the future.

On the other hand, this paper studies those public relations techniques best suited to achieve a change in public opinion today, in the same way that Edward Bernays proved possible a century ago. Even so, the communication paradigm has undergone great changes since then, so that the feasibility of the goal, as well as the tools to achieve it, have required a revision. The study has been structured based on certain parallels related to the "Torches of Freedom" campaign, but focused on dismantling a social taboo that is still in force today: the use of cosmetic products by the male sector. The main objective has been to investigate those brakes based on social behaviours, which limit consumption and deprive companies specialized in the sector of a large potential target audience. Consequently, the work has verified the existence of this social taboo, validated the still existing capacity of communication campaigns to influence, and studied those cases that have proven to be successful in shaping public opinion. To conclude with the elaboration of a list of the most suitable techniques to succeed in this purpose, and finally to apply them in a brief approach to the selected topic.


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Author Biographies

Lluís Costa Fernández, University of Girona

PhD in History and Professor at the University of Girona. Google Scholar:

Adrià Vidal Santorum, University of Girona

PhD in Human Sciences, Heritage and Culture from the University of Girona. Project Manager i2CAT Foundation - The Internet Research Center. Member of the "Social and Institutional Communication" Research Group at the University of Girona. 

Dídac Puig López, University of Girona

Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Girona. Professional experience as a communication expert in the following companies: Puratos, La Fageda and Mercadona.


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How to Cite

Costa Fernández, L., Vidal Santorum, A., & Puig López, D. (2022). Communication techniques for the modification of public opinion in the men’s cosmetics sector. International Journal of Public Relations, 12(24), 201–222.