Woman and public relations from a neurocommunicational approach





public relations, neurocommunication


The role of women in all spheres of society has expanded exponentially throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries: from nineteenth century suffragism to the entry of women into factories and public services, to modernity: when the ideas and consequences of feminism pervade popular culture and advertising and public relations firms. These have made a considerable leap from the days of pink marketing to the current moment, in which female audiences are seen as diversified as the most, while the perception of their needs and particularities is becoming more and more clear to women and scholars and professionals in the sector. In this sense, neuroscience has the potential to shed the same ray of light on this field as it does on other more minority or sectorally significant audiences. Making the full battery of considerations regarding inclusion, gender equality and emotional intelligence relevant. Not only at a social level, but also at a productive one: because the evidence we have indicates that the consideration of all these factors, when carried out in a calculated and effective way, will make communication more effective, more productive in regarding the specific objectives of Public Relations and Advertising as academic and labor disciplines. This inevitably leads to an understanding of the neurological differences between men and women, and careful planning to take advantage of these in team management and the organization of communication. The future of Public Relations lies in finding new audiences, and new and better ways to reach them. Being inevitable the integration of the same in the communication processes.

For several decades now, society has detached itself from the male single market: supported by social achievements such as the entry of women into the world of work and giving them control of their own finances. After her, the gap has widened further with the progressive rupture of the bipolar gender sphere, and with the expansion of markets previously more limited by other social barriers such as age. In this article, the objective is to determine the existing relationships between public relations and the potential of neuroscience in the present context of increasing presence of women in all areas of society, communication, advertising, marketing and politics. The methodology is based on the search and consultation of scientific texts (monographs, academic articles, documentaries, among others), and descriptors related to public relations, communication strategies, the application of neuroscience and the development of the implication of the women in all these processes. A relevant research result is that the functioning of brain areas and the influence of neuroplasticity are still not known with certainty. An important fact if we take into account that attitude and gender differ even when market segmentation is carried out. It is concluded that inclusion in the area of ​​public relations and communication is a logical consequence of the expansion of the female gender as a public: it encompasses half of the potential consumers of almost any product, and, therefore, it is essential to have with public relations teams capable of creating increasingly effective content in the task of achieving the objectives set.


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Author Biographies

Almudena Barrientos Báez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Ayudante doctora en el Departamento de Teorías y Análisis de la Comunicación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

David Caldevilla-Domínguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesor tutular en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


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How to Cite

Barrientos Báez, A., & Caldevilla-Domínguez, D. (2022). Woman and public relations from a neurocommunicational approach. International Journal of Public Relations, 12(24), 85–102. https://doi.org/10.5783/revrrpp.v12i24.791