Environmental Branded Podcasts.
Challenges and opportunities in the face of the ecosocial crisis
environmental communication, social responsibility, strategic communication, ecosocial crisis, climate change, podcast, environmentAbstract
This study examines branded environmental podcasts as a strategic communication tool for Social Responsibility (SR) in response to the growing concern over the ecological crisis. These podcasts enable organisations to align with societal concerns about socio-environmental challenges while establishing a more authentic connection with their audiences. Through an exploratory and descriptive approach, the research employs an in-depth interview and a mixed content analysis of 88 Spanish-language podcasts hosted on Spotify. The findings reveal that companies, NGOs, and universities are the primary producers of these podcasts, with a notable surge in their creation between 2020 and 2023, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the producing countries, Spain, Colombia, and Mexico emerge as leaders in the development of branded environmental podcasts. Key topics addressed in these productions include climate crisis, sustainable resource management, and renewable solutions, reflecting the pressing environmental issues of our time. The analysis identifies a correlation between the type of organisation and the podcast’s recent activity, showing that companies and universities tend to maintain their podcasts more actively compared to public organisations or think tanks. Furthermore, podcasts referenced on the organisation’s official website are more likely to remain active, indicating that their integration into broader organisational communication strategies contributes to their longevity. This demonstrates that when podcasts are embedded within a cohesive communication framework, they not only sustain activity but also enhance the organisation’s ability to convey consistent messaging. Branded environmental podcasts offer several advantages. They strengthen organisational reputation, foster the creation of engaged communities, and demand fewer technical resources compared to other media formats. However, they also face significant challenges. One major obstacle is their niche focus, which can limit their ability to attract large audiences. Another is the risk of being perceived as engaging in greenwashing if the podcast’s content is not aligned with the organisation’s actual practices. This inconsistency can undermine credibility, particularly in an era when stakeholders demand greater transparency and accountability. Additionally, the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in podcast production presents a new challenge. While AI can enhance technical quality and streamline processes, it may also raise concerns among audiences about the authenticity of content, particularly regarding the use of AI-generated voices or scripts. This could detract from the personal and relatable nature that makes podcasts a unique medium for communication. In conclusion, branded environmental podcasts represent a valuable yet underexplored tool for organisations seeking to address socio-environmental concerns and engage meaningfully with their stakeholders. To maximise their impact, these podcasts must be integrated into comprehensive communication strategies, ensuring coherence with organisational values and practices. By doing so, they can overcome challenges, enhance trust, and position organisations as credible advocates for environmental sustainability in an increasingly eco-conscious world. This work has been funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
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