#SochiProblems: Ignorance or Arrogance? / #SochiProblems: ¿ignorancia o arrogancia?


  • Alexander V. Laskin Quinnipiac University



Palabras clave:

Public Relations


The study focuses on the twitter conversations about the XXII Winter Olympics Games in Sochi, Russia. Specifically, the study collects and performs content analysis of the tweets tagged with the hashtag #SochiProblems. This study draws a random sample of tweets from every day of the games to achieve a 99% confidence level with 5% confidence interval and uses the framing theory to analyze this sample. The results allow us to determine what substantive and affective frames dominated in the twitter conversations tagged with #SochiProblems hashtag and what was the main focus of the tweets’ content.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alexander V. Laskin, Quinnipiac University

Alexander V. Laskin, Ph.D., is an associate professor and director of graduate studies at the Department of Public Relations, Quinnipiac University. Dr. Laskin’s research, published in Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Journal of Business Communication, and etc., focuses primarily on investor relations, measurement and evaluation, international communications, and new media. Dr. Laskin also contributed multiple book chapters and published two solo-authored books. His research on the value of investor relations was recognized by the Institute for Public Relations with Ketchum Excellence in Public Relations Research Award. Dr. Laskin has previously worked in investor relations, international mergers and acquisitions, and marketing research


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Cómo citar

Laskin, A. V. (2014). #SochiProblems: Ignorance or Arrogance? / #SochiProblems: ¿ignorancia o arrogancia?. Revista Internacional De Relaciones Públicas, 4(8), 161–180. https://doi.org/10.5783/revrrpp.v4i8.291